Category Archives: Libraries

Benson Acquisition: Augusto Roa Bastos Papers

The Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection is thrilled to announce the acquisition of the literary archives of César Vallejo and Augusto Roa Bastos, two giants of Latin American letters. These archives augment the Benson’s already significant collection of materials that represent the region’s writers, thinkers, and intellectual leaders, making the library, and the UT campus, an invaluable resource for students, faculty, and researchers from all corners of the globe.


Paraguay’s most significant writer, Augusto Roa Bastos (1917–2005) is known for his contributions to the Latin American Boom and the post-dictatorship novel, particularly through his works Hijo de hombre (1960) and Yo el Supremo (1974). The latter is a historical fiction of the José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia dictatorship in the nineteenth century.

The book cover of a commemorative edition of "Yo, el Supremo" is a dark mustard-yellow and features a woodblock-print image of a black fist jutting across the page horizontally from the left. Falling from the hand is a large, bright-red drop of blood.
Cover of a commemorative edition of “Yo el Supremo,” published on the centennial of the author by the Real Academia Española.

Roa Bastos grew up in Iturbe, a provincial town where his father worked as an administrator on a sugar plantation. It was there that he was exposed to Guaraní, and developed a tremendous love for Paraguay’s most spoken Indigenous language. He later went to Asunción for his formative school years and, as a young man, served in the Chaco War as a medical auxiliary. Significant portions of his life were spent outside of Asunción, allowing the writer to have a deeper knowledge of the country at large.

Like the characters in Yo el Supremo, Roa Bastos was no stranger to the effects of dictatorship during his lifetime. In fact, he fled to Argentina in 1947 along with 500,000 other Paraguayans to escape the iron fist of President Higinio Morínigo. Roa Bastos would live over four decades in exile between Buenos Aires and Paris before returning to his homeland in 1989 after the fall of the Alfredo Stroessner dictatorship. However, his commitment to Paraguayan culture never wavered as his literary career, which produced short stories, novels, poetry, essays, screenplays, and children’s literature, demonstrated a commitment to the South American nation through his themes: collective memory, bilingualism (Guaraní/Spanish), and Indigeneity. His style, which pulled from magical realist and neobaroque tendencies, blended different time periods (pre-colonial and contemporary) to interrogate Paraguayan society.

Two yellowing sheets of paper side by side have a handwritten list with items numbered 1 through 42. The left-hand sheet is titled Índice (Index). Each line has a short title written in cursive by the author.
Handwritten index related to “Yo el Supremo.” Augusto Roa Bastos Papers, Benson Latin American Collection.

“In acquiring the literary archives of the great Paraguayan writer Augusto Roa Bastos, the Benson Latin American Collection is today blessed with the author’s handwritten notes relating to Yo el Supremo, one of the region’s most exorbitantly ambitious, baroquely virtuosic, groundbreaking novels of the late twentieth century,” writes Professor César A. Salgado of the Department of Spanish and Portuguese. “The novel was published in 1974 as part of an agreement among top Latin American Boom writers to produce ‘dictator novels’ that dissected authoritarian regimes in their respective countries. In a group that included Alejo Carpentier’s El recurso del método (1974), Gabriel García Márquez’s El otoño del patriarca (1975), and Carlos Fuentes’ Terra Nostra (1975), Yo el Supremo outdid these other immensely accomplished works by structuring its penetrating, thoroughly researched psychological portrait of José Gaspar Rodríguez de Francia (Paraguay’s undisputed ‘enlightened despot’ from 1811 to 1840) as it were a lively philosophical debate about how dictation, writing, literacy, orality (including Guaraní traditions), absolute power, and impermanence could be both complicit and antithetical to each other. If the ludological radicality of Rayuela galvanized the Boom in 1962, Yo el Supremo brought it to a close in 1974 by showing how deep-seated mechanisms of supremacist rule, set up at the start of nation formation in Latin America, could easily resurface across its history. With Yo el Supremo, Roa Bastos thus launched a fully postmodern critical and creative agenda for the region.”

A yellowing sheet of paper, heavily creased in the middle, bears both typed notes and handwritten notes. Some of the typed lines are scribbled over with wavy lines written in pen. The elegant handwritten part looks to be written with an ink pen.
Handwritten and typed notes titled “Themes for Paraguayan Stories,” Roa Bastos Papers. Courtesy Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection.

The Augusto Roa Bastos Papers is a versatile collection that spans the author’s career. It contains poetry, speeches, essays, correspondence, and manuscript drafts. Among the jewels of the collection are letters between the author and his daughter, Mirta Roa Mascheroni, and handwritten comments regarding Yo el Supremo and his novel Madama Sui. This collection provides researchers with profound insight into the writer’s life, particularly his time during exile, and his creative process from beginning to end. It pairs well with the Miguel Ángel Asturias Papers for similar topics regarding exile and the Boom.

The Roa Bastos acquisition was made possible in part by the Drs. Fernando Macías and Adriana Pacheco Benson Centennial Endowment.

Melissa Guy is director of the Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection.

Daniel Arbino is former Head of Collection Development for the Benson.

Benson Acquisition: César Vallejo Papers

The Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection is thrilled to announce the acquisition of the archives of César Vallejo and Augusto Roa Bastos, two giants of Latin American letters. These archives augment the Benson’s already significant collection of materials that represent the region’s writers, thinkers, and intellectual leaders, making the library, and the UT campus, an invaluable resource for students, faculty, researchers from all corners of the globe.


Peruvian poet César Vallejo (1892–1938) is considered one of the most significant figures in twentieth-century Latin American literature. Born in the Andean city of Santiago de Chuco, he moved to Lima as a young university student, producing there his first collection of poems, Los heraldos negros (1919). Seeking wider cultural and intellectual opportunities, Vallejo left Peru for Europe in 1923, spending most of his remaining fifteen years in self-imposed, impoverished exile in France, with periods in Spain and two trips to Russia. He died in Paris in 1938 at the age of 46. 

Close-up black-and-white photograph of a man with dark hair, wearing a dark suit. He is resting his chin on one hand and looking into the distance.
César Vallejo, undated. Benson Latin American Collection.

Vallejo’s poetry has no precedent in the history of modern poetry. Written during a period that witnessed the crude consequences of war, imprisonment, and displacement (1919–1922), his avant-garde masterwork, Trilce (1922), challenges the reader with compelling paradoxes, abrupt syntactical turns, irregular spellings, rarefied lexicon, and verses arranged in unfamiliar visual displays.

However, this experimental register goes beyond the drive toward the new that was characteristic of the avant-garde movements. Vallejo’s poetic language is also a consequence of his search for the stark concrete expression of human affect. This is why in Trilce abstract notions of time, space, and being are conflated with raw emotions. No other poet has given shape to the silence that sustains the remembrance of things past with such precision:

Aguedita, Nativa, Miguel,
cuidado con ir por ahí, por donde
acaban de pasar
gangueando sus memorias
dobladoras penas,
hacia el silencioso corral, y por donde
las gallinas que se están acostando todavía,
se han espantado tanto.
Mejor estemos aquí no más.
Madre dijo que no demoraría.

“Poema III,” Trilce, 1922

[Find English translations of the poems cited here at]

Black and white photo. In the foreground, a man sits in profile in a dark suit and tie. His legs are crossed and his hands are clasped. He has dark hair and a pensive expression on his face. in the background, other benches and other people sitting on them.
César Vallejo in Fountainebleu, France, 1926. Courtesy Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection.

On the other hand, Vallejo’s poems embody the collective rather than the egotistical self. Familiar references are always a window into the vulnerability of human nature and the resilience of collective struggle, both in his homeland of Peru and in the entire world. A poem on the death of a soldier in the Spanish Civil War reads:

Pedro también solía comer
entre las criaturas de su carne, asear, pintar
la mesa y vivir dulcemente
en representación de todo el mundo.
Y esta cuchara anduvo en su chaqueta,
despierto o bien cuando dormía, siempre,
cuchara muerta viva, ella y sus símbolos.
¡Abisa a todos compañeros pronto!
¡Viban los compañeros al pie de esta cuchara para siempre!

“Solía escribir con su dedo grande en el aire,” España, aparta de mí este cáliz,1939

Vallejo’s oeuvre is thus an affective journey through the troublesome history of the twentieth century. Evidence of this is his posthumous poetry, which pertains to his last years in Europe: Poemas humanos (Human Poems), grouped under this title by his widow Georgette María Philippart Travers in 1937; and España, aparta de mí este cáliz (Spain, Take This Cup from Me,1939), his testament of the Spanish Civil War. Both collections are a centerpiece of the Benson’s recent acquisition.

A yellowed sheet of lined notebook paper, bearing three holes along the right side. The paper is filled top to bottom with Spanish words written in pencil, most of them with commas after them.
“Poemas humanos” manuscript, César Vallejo Papers. Courtesy Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection.

Beyond the recurring debate as to whether Human Poems is an appropriate title for this posthumous corpus, it is certain that these poems are an honest and critical reflection on the role of the lettered poet in a world charged with misery and human suffering:

Un albañil cae de un techo, muere y ya no almuerza
¿Innovar, luego, el tropo, la metáfora?

“Un hombre pasa con un pan al hombro,” Poemas humanos, 1937

Vallejo’s poems will always be contemporary, as they shed light on the devastating consequences of societal fragmentation, displacement, and exile. At the same time, his poems remind us of the need to keep longing for human empathy and love, even in times of war. We celebrate the arrival of Vallejo’s papers.

Al fin de la batalla,
y muerto el combatiente, vino hacia él un hombre
y le dijo: “No mueras, te amo tanto!”
Pero el cadáver ¡ay! siguió muriendo.

Se le acercaron dos y repitiéronle:
“No nos dejes! ¡Valor! ¡Vuelve a la vida!”
Pero el cadáver ¡ay! siguió muriendo.

Acudieron a él veinte, cien, mil, quinientos mil,
clamando: “Tanto amor, y no poder nada contra la muerte!”
Pero el cadáver ¡ay! siguió muriendo.

Le rodearon millones de individuos,
con un ruego común: “¡Quédate, hermano!”
Pero el cadáver ¡ay! siguió muriendo.

Entonces, todos los hombres de
la tierra le rodearon; les vio el cadáver triste, emocionado;
incorporóse lentamente,
abrazó al primer hombre; echóse a andar . . .

“Masa,” Poemas humanos, 1939

The César Vallejo Papers consist of materials dated from 1918 to 1992, and include manuscripts, drafts, correspondence, newspaper clippings, photographs, and some published copies of his written work.

This acquisition was funded in part by the Janet and Jack Roberts Peruvian Endowment.

Adela Pineda Franco is Lozano Long Endowed Professor in Latin American Literary and Cultural Studies, and director of the Teresa Lozano Long Institute of Latin American Studies (LLILAS) at The University of Texas at Austin. Biographical research on César Vallejo was contributed by Benson Exhibitions Curator Veronica Valarino.

Another Successful Year at Lone Star Zine Fest

The UT Libraries tabled at the 8th Annual Lone Star Zine Fest on October 19th and 20th. We Librarians were able to connect with the local community of zinesters through outreach as well as purchasing new materials for the collection.

What is a zine? To put it simply, a zine is a DIY publication, traditionally made on printer paper, meant to spread awareness of a particular issue or to find certain communities that share the same interests. Historically, zines have been used to bypass the barriers of traditional publishing, making them a speedy and inexpensive way to share information utilizing print materials.

The Blue Genie Art Bazaar (the site chosen to host the fest) was filled to the brim with zines that October Weekend. With over 100 vendors, we zine librarians had our work cut out for us. Not only did we table at the fest to promote UT’s free-to-read zine collection, we also prepared for purchasing and were eager to find new titles to add to the stacks.

Tabling at the fest brought a few new challenges. Last year’s fest ran for one day, while this year it grew into two. This is due to the huge success of the previous year’s event, with over 1000 people attending the fest. We spread the word to the UT Libraries community and received interest from fellow staff and graduate research assistants in assisting us with our outreach efforts. Having volunteers as extra eyes at the event proved to be more helpful than we thought. They brought back fabulous purchase suggestions as they perused the vendors throughout the building.

With pen and paper in hand, we scoured the building looking for locally-made zines that would add oomph to our current collection, such as comic zines for the Fine Arts Library and chapbooks for the PCL Poetry Center. We also looked for zines on topics that would resonate with students and could be added to our teaching toolkit for zine workshops we hold periodically throughout the year. Two of our favorite vendors – Chan Channel and Table for Two Publications – are alumni from the College of Fine Arts who often visited the Fine Arts Library. They were excited to meet us and thrilled to have their work represented in our zine collection for future art and design students. All in all, we purchased over 100 zines at the fest for the Libraries!

Our outreach at the Lone Star Zine Fest was a major success. We talked to over 400 attendees about the collection, surprising many with the fact that the UT Libraries are open to the public. Many expressed interest in visiting campus (we look forward to seeing y’all)! This concludes our sixth year tabling at the fest and we hope to continue to do so for many years to come.

Are you interested in learning more about the UT Zine Collection? Please visit our LibGuide here.

Primeros Libros Triennial Takes Place in Oaxaca

The 2024 Primeros Libros Triennial Partner Meeting and Symposium, held at the Francisco de Burgoa Library in Oaxaca on October 10–11, brought together scholars, librarians and cultural heritage experts to celebrate and examine the legacy of early Mexican printed books and their impact on understanding the colonial period.

The Primeros Libros de las Américas project is a collaborative digital initiative to preserve and provide access to the first books printed in the Americas during the 16th century. It emphasizes the creation of a comprehensive digital corpus to promote global access and scholarship. With contributions from institutions across Europe and the Americas, the project embodies the shared heritage of colonial Mexico and serves as a vital resource for understanding the history of print, culture and language in the New World.

Day 1 of the gathering opened with a keynote lecture, “The Christian Doctrine in Mixtec by Fray Benito Hernández (1567-1568): Its Historical and Current Context,” delivered by a panel of experts, including bilingual educators, psychologists, and philologists. The presentation highlighted efforts to preserve indigenous Mixtec texts through interdisciplinary research.

Panel discussions throughout the day explored the artistry and subversion in 16th-century Mexican prints, including analyses of the unique Franciscan Library’s “Warnings for Indian Confessors” and the survival of anti-colonial Nahuatl codices.

A virtual presentation from the Biblioteca Statale di Lucca shed light on the discovery of rare early American prints in European collections, illustrating the transatlantic reach of colonial print culture.

The second day delved deeper into the lives of early printers, such as Pedro Ocharte and the Calderón family, with a spotlight on technological advances in printmaking during the colonial era. Discussions also explored the circulation and reception of printed works across the Americas, including a case study of an indigenous sacristan in Zacatecas who risked punishment to preserve knowledge.

The symposium also included a visit to the Juan de Córdova Research Library and concluded with a book presentation on the history of engraving in Mexican print. Scholars and participants hailed the event as a critical platform for fostering collaboration and preserving the shared heritage of the Americas.

For more information about Primeros Libros and ongoing preservation initiatives, visit

Former Chilean President Bachelet Champions Women’s Leadership and Equality in Public Address

The Honorable Michelle Bachelet, former President of Chile and United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights, addressed a crowd at the Benson Latin American Collection on October 16. Part of the Mary Ann Faulkner Distinguished Lecture Series in Latin American Public Affairs and Politics, the event was hosted by the Lozano Long Institute for Latin American Studies (LLILAS).

Bachelet made history as the first woman to serve as President of Chile, holding office for two non-consecutive terms (2006–2010 and 2014–2018). Born in 1951 in Santiago, Chile, she grew up in a politically active family and pursued a career in medicine, specializing in pediatrics and public health. Her life took a dramatic turn during Chile’s military dictatorship when her father, a general loyal to President Salvador Allende, was arrested and died in custody, and she herself was detained and tortured. After returning from exile in the 1980s, Bachelet became a prominent advocate for democracy and human rights. She later entered politics, serving as Minister of Health and Minister of National Defense before ascending to the presidency. Following her time in office, she was appointed as the first Executive Director of UN Women and later served as the United Nations High Commissioner for Human Rights from 2018 to 2022, continuing her lifelong commitment to social justice and equality.

Before the evening event, Bachelet visited the Benson’s Rare Books and Manuscripts Reading Room, where she was provided an introduction to the archive with a viewing of rare materials led by Benson Director Melissa Guy, Head of User Services AJ Johnson and Head of Special Collections Ryan Lynch.

The evening talk began with an introduction from LLILAS Director Adela Pineda Franco, who underscored Bachelet’s influence on democratic governance and human rights worldwide, then Bachelet launched into a talk focused on women’s leadership and gender equality across the Americas, set against a backdrop of rising authoritarianism and rights erosion. Reflecting on setbacks for women’s rights globally, Bachelet touched on issues such as recent limitations on reproductive rights in the U.S., elimination of Argentina’s Ministry of Women and gendered restrictions in Afghanistan. She argued that women’s rights must remain integral to discussions on democracy, noting that societal progress is hindered when women’s contributions are overlooked.

Bachelet also explored the impact of artificial intelligence on women’s employment, emphasizing the need for a human rights framework to prevent biased AI systems. She called for greater diversity in AI development, pointing to a male-dominated tech sector where gender biases could impact future job markets.

Immediately following her address, Dean JR DeShazo of the LBJ School of Public Affairs interviewed Bachelet on the challenges and progress in women’s leadership and gender equality in the Americas. Bachelet emphasized the importance of inclusive policies and the need for continuous efforts to address systemic inequalities. She highlighted her experiences in overcoming political and social barriers, underscoring the role of resilience and strategic optimism in advancing human rights and gender parity. The discussion also touched upon the impact of global crises, such as the COVID-19 pandemic, on women’s rights, and the necessity for collaborative international approaches to safeguard and promote gender equality.

Bachelet concluded the evening by encouraging attendees to champion gender equality as a foundational element of democratic integrity. Her call to action extended to the university’s community, encouraging students, faculty and future leaders to break barriers and advocate for equitable representation.

A Flood of Action to Save the Books

Catastrophe was narrowly averted due to a water leak at the Walter Geology Library in late September thanks to direct, coordinated action from library staff and Jackson School of Geosciences personnel.

The incident began with an unexpected leak in a wet lab on the fifth floor of the Jackson School, above the Walter Geology Library. The leak was discovered early Tuesday morning by Jackson School staff, who immediately alerted the building manager and the library team. Water made its way from a compromised holding tank in a lab, penetrating sections of the ceiling, flooding the library and damaging materials in the stacks.

In a show of composure, several University of Texas Libraries (UTL) staff members, some of whom learned about the emergency while on their way to work, diverted to the Geology Library to take immediate action. The response was focused, methodical and purposed at mitigating and preventing further damage to collection materials. The team swiftly began moving wet books to safer locations, covering vulnerable stacks with plastic sheeting and vacuuming up standing water to stem the immediate threat to the collections.

Once the situation was somewhat stabilized, the next priority became rescuing the most severely damaged items. Staff worked diligently to identify these items and began preparing them for preservation by freezing them in the Perry-Castañeda Library’s (PCL) preservation freezers. Freezing wet materials is a well-established method to prevent mold growth and give preservation staff time to determine the best treatment methods.

As soon as standing water cleared, the focus shifted to restoring the environment. Dehumidifiers and fans were brought in to ensure that residual moisture was dealt with effectively, minimizing long-term damage to the collections and the library environment.

Careful attention was then paid to the individual items that had been impacted. Teams of staff interleaved wet pages with coated paper to absorb excess moisture, unfolded map inserts to lay them flat for drying, and fanned out books to improve air circulation. This painstaking process continued throughout the day on Tuesday, showcasing not only the technical expertise of the team but also their unwavering commitment to safeguarding knowledge.  Staff continue to monitor the space and repairs to damaged items are expected to continue for several months.

The recent water leak evoked memories of a much larger disaster that struck the former Marine Science Library in 2017. During the catastrophic flooding from Hurricane Harvey, library staff worked around the clock to rescue rare collections that were at risk from the rising waters. The response to that event, while on a greater scale, carried the same resolve as this week’s efforts at the Geology Library – demonstrating the immense dedication of libraries staff to respond to disasters that might otherwise destroy the collections they oversee.

Libraries are not just places where information is stored; they are custodians of our collective human record, preserving materials in perpetuity so that future generations may learn from and build upon the past. Emergencies like the leak at the Walter Geology Library remind us how fragile that mission can be – and how it truly takes a village of committed individuals to protect these collections.

From pulling books off shelves to quickly interleaving wet pages, every action taken by library staff this week was aimed at preventing irreparable loss. It was a stark reminder of the importance of collective action in the face of emergencies that threaten the Libraries’ commitment to the preservation of knowledge.

The response to the Walter Geology Library incident highlights an idea that lies at the core of every library: the mission to preserve and protect collections is not an abstract ideal. It is a hands-on, all-hands effort, and one that requires dedication, expertise and a deep belief that the knowledge of today is a legacy to the future.

“I am so grateful to our staff for a commitment to their work so pronounced that they respond without hesitation to challenges,” says Vice Provost and Director Lorraine Haricombe. “Thanks to the efforts of the people involved, over 1,200 books will continue to be available for use in research and scholarship for all those who might need them.”

Humble gratitude to all the people involved in this effort:

Margaret Alvarado

Geoff Bahre

Chris Carter

Brittany Centeno

Benn Chang

Morgan Colbert

Elizabeth De Marco

Loren Fiebrich

Claudia Fuentes

James Galloway

Bill Gannon

Dave Gilson

Mirko Hanke

Meghana Kamat

Jennifer Lee

Joey Marez

Wendy Martin

Sean O’Bryan

Michael Rodriguez

Kent Scott

Tony Tomasello

Britt Wilson

New Endowments Bolster Visiting Scholars at the Benson Collection

This summer, two new endowments were established to support scholars working with the Benson Latin American Collection, strengthening research into Latin American, Latina/o, and Mexican American history.

The María Lugones Research Fund, created in memory of María Cristina Lugones—an Argentine feminist philosopher, activist, and professor—was established by her colleague, Professor Joshua Price. The fund will provide support for projects related to Latin America, Latina/os in the U.S., and the Black diaspora in the Americas. Eligible recipients include PhD students, activists, and established scholars from around the world, with priority given to those utilizing the María Lugones papers.

Additionally, the Montejano Benson Collection Research Award was created by Dr. David Montejano and Veronica Montejano to support visiting researchers focusing on Mexican American history. Dr. Montejano, reflecting on his own experiences at the Benson, said, “Over the past forty years, I have enjoyed countless days at the Benson doing research. I could not have written my trilogy on Texas history and politics without the Benson. With this modest endowment, I wish to encourage continued research into Mexican American and Latino history.”

Both endowments will receive matching funds from the Ann Hartness Benson Collection Matching Fund, further expanding their impact. These funds are expected to be accessible soon, depending on payment schedules and investment outcomes.

We eagerly anticipate the meaningful research these new funds will make possible.

To contribute to either endowment, please contact Libraries’ Development Officer Claire Burrows,

New Website Chronicles Texas’s Domestic Slave Trade

The Texas Domestic Slave Trade Project (TXDST) has launched a new website, From Slavery to Freedom in Texas, exploring the often-overlooked stories of enslaved individuals in Texas. The site focuses on four counties—Brazoria, Red River, Waller, and Washington—to illuminate both individual stories and the broader legacy of slavery in the state.

The project emphasizes firsthand experiences of enslaved people and delves into the history that continues to shape Texas today. The stories include the account of Eli Terry, a free Black man who was sold into slavery in Red River County before reclaiming his freedom after over seven years. Another featured story discusses the Alta Vista plantation, where Prairie View A&M University—a historically Black college/university (HBCU)—now stands, and highlights efforts by plantation descendants to confront and preserve this history.

Educators will find a variety of resources to bring these narratives into the classroom, providing deeper insights into Texas’s complex history.

The project is a collaboration between The University of Texas at Austin and Prairie View A&M University, made possible through a Start-Up Grant for Collaborative Digital Editions from the National Historical Publications and Records Commission (NHPRC), with support from the Mellon Foundation and the National Archives.

Libraries’ Black Diaspora Archivist Rachel E. Winston played a significant role in this effort, serving as co-Principal Investigator from 2022 to 2024. The History Department also highlights contributions from several current and former students, including Dr. Signe Peterson Fourmy (PhD 2020), Sheena Moore, and current PhD candidate Ron Davis, who is also Curator of American History at the Witte Museum in San Antonio.

For more information, visit

Exhibition: VOCES Oral History Center at 25

A Quarter-Century of Giving Voice to the U.S. Latino and Latina Experience

By Veronica Valarino

The Nettie Lee Benson Latin American Collection is proud to join in celebrating the 25th anniversary of the VOCES Oral History Center, part of the School of Journalism at the Moody College of Communication, The University of Texas at Austin.

In honor of this important milestone, this Benson exhibition showcases VOCES’s extraordinary journey over the past quarter-century, and its profound impact in highlighting and recognizing the contributions of the U.S. Latino/a community in Texas and the rest of United States.

Two rows of young women nurses in white uniforms face the camera outdoors in front of a building with a row of connected windows. They are all wearing white flowered corsages pinned to their dresses and holding small white bouquets.
Graduation day. May 22, 1942, at Oak Park Methodist Church, Corpus Christi, Texas. Front row from left: Jeanie Mcpherson, Elenor Lacomb, Theresa Green, Mary Thomas, Bernice Hunter, Supervisor, Mrs. Elizabeth Moller. Back row from left: Margaret Moore, Apolinia Muñoz, Pat Bartholomeu, Betty Jorgenson, Dorothy Lewis. Voces Oral History Center Archive, Benson Latin American Collection.

Under the visionary leadership of founder and director Maggie Rivas-Rodríguez, VOCES has progressively expanded its original focus of documenting the experiences of Latino veterans and civilians in all branches of the military during World War II, the Vietnam War, and the Korean conflict.

Through relentless oral history documentation, VOCES has gradually broadened its scope to encompass a wide range of Latino/a experiences, including cultural contributions, political and civic participation, professional achievements, thereby establishing itself as a fundamental and invaluable institution and repository.

Five young men, all soldiers, pose outdoors in bare terrain during the Vietnam War. A forest with tall trees is visible in the background. The men pose in front of a small black apparatus equipped with guns. The machine has the words The Widow-Maker written on it with white paint, along with a skull. The two men standing on either side of the machine wear large crucifixes around their necks. They are white Latinos. Three men crouch in the foreground. Two are Black and one is white with red hair. The man to the right wears a helmet and holds a string of large bullets.
U.S. soldier Michael Treviño (top left), a soldier nicknamed “Red” (bottom left), soldier Nathan Garcia (middle), an unknown soldier, and Raymond Garcia (top right) from Army Unit G65 stand together in front of a M45 Quadmount called Widowmaker at FireBase Rifle in the Ashar Valley, Republic of South Vietnam, circa August 1969.

The VOCES Oral History Project Archive has been housed at the Benson Latin American Collection since 2005. By preserving this invaluable archive on our physical and digital shelves, we ensure that these stories endure for the future and for new generations as a unique resource for research and learning about the multifaceted narratives and cultural heritage of diverse Latino/a communities.

Join us in celebrating 25 years of the remarkable work of VOCES to elevate and honor Latina and Latino stories, as well as the significant impact of the Latinx community.

VOCES Oral History Center at 25 is on view in the Benson Latin American Collection’s second-floor gallery during library hours, through April 7, 2025.

Veronica Valarino is the Benson Exhibitions Curator.

Classics Reopens After Renovation

The Classics Library at The University of Texas at Austin has reopened following a year-long closure for renovations aimed at enhancing accessibility and improving study spaces.

The refreshed library, located in Waggener Hall, features new furniture, more open spaces, and improved lighting, with windows no longer obstructed by old shelving units.

The renovations were completed as part of additional work occurring in the building, and offered an opportunity to provide a more accessible and comfortable environment for students and faculty.

Jennifer Lee, Director of Discovery and Access for the Libraries, oversaw the updates, which are part of ongoing efforts to modernize library spaces across campus to meet the ever-changing needs of users.

“The temporary closure of the Classics Library was challenging, but the end result is a library space that is more open and accessible, both in terms of aesthetics as well as movement within the space,” says Lee.  “It’s been exciting to welcome students and researchers back into the library.”

The library continues to serve as an essential resource for faculty and students in the Department of Classics, many of whom attended a reopening event on September 10.

Vice Provost and Director of the Libraries Lorraine Haricombe emphasized the significance of the library as a space for learning and intellectual growth.

“Our mission is to connect people with knowledge and to empower them with the tools they need for personal and academic development,” said Haricombe. “The Classics Library remains a beloved location for students and faculty alike, and the feedback on the renovations has been overwhelmingly positive.”