This past month, the Texas Digital Library (TDL) and several prominent water researchers began the process of developing a new collaborative resource for sharing water data across the state of Texas. The Texas Water Digital Library (TWDL) will federate water research currently stored in dispersed databases and websites at various Texas universities. A model for the cooperative efforts of the Texas Digital Library, the TWDL will electronically harvest these resources from cooperating institutions (using a technology called OAI-ORE) and deposit them in a TDL-hosted DSpace repository. This federated repository will create a single place for researchers to search for water data from every part of the state: the Texas Water Digital Library. Continue reading Texas water researchers working with the Texas Digital Library
Tag Archives: TDL
Conference at UT Austin to feature experts on digital libraries
This spring, on May 17-18, the Texas Digital Library (TDL) will be hosting the 2010 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries (TCDL) at The University of Texas at Austin. In its fourth year, TCDL provides a forum for TDL members and others to explore issues related to digital libraries and digital scholarship.
The TCDL 2010 conference theme is Collaboration, and the conference program will be packed with experts speaking on issues of partnership and cooperation in the service of advancing scholarly communication.
The TDL is especially excited to announce its two keynote speakers for the event: Dr. Leslie Carr, of the School of Electronics and Computer Science at the University of Southampton, and Dr. Reagan Moore, from the School of Information and Library Science at the University of North Carolina at Chapel Hill.
Continue reading Conference at UT Austin to feature experts on digital libraries
February issue of TDL Update newsletter now available
Check out the latest issue of TDL Update (PDF), the newsletter of the Texas Digital Library, to discover the latest news and learn how TDL is working with its members to advance scholarly communications.
The February 2010 issue features the Royce-Darden Gospel Music Collection at the Baylor Electronic Library.
In addition, you’ll find:
- A story on the development of a shared statewide resource for water data and research: The Texas Water Digital Library
- Exciting news about the latest version of Vireo ETD Management software, which is now in the testing phase
- Information about the 2010 Texas Conference on Digital Libraries
- A reminder about Vireo user resources, including video tutorials, a wiki, and a new Listserv
- News about Texas Tech University Libraries’ use of digital scanners
- Information about spring training classes from the TDL
For suggestions about content for the TDL Update, please contact Kristi Park at
Illinois takes cue from Texas on electronic theses
They say good news travels, and the news about the Texas Digital Library’s Vireo application has made it all the way to Illinois, where the Fighting Illini are finding out what UT Austin already knows – that Vireo can make life easier for graduate colleges and libraries handling electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs).
The Texas Digital Library (TDL), headquartered at UT Libraries, is a multi-university consortium that provides shared digital services to institutions of higher learning in the state. UT Austin is a founding member of the organization.
The TDL developed the Vireo application to help graduate schools manage electronic theses and dissertations (ETDs), the digital versions of the documents that master’s and doctoral students must submit to obtain their degrees. In recent years, increasing numbers of universities have required students to submit ETDs in addition to (or in place of) paper copies. However, the tools for managing the unique workflow associated with ETDs – the approval process, for example, and the publication of ETDs in a digital repository – haven’t kept up with these changes in policy. Vireo was created to fill this need and is currently in use at UT Austin, as well as several other universities in the state. Continue reading Illinois takes cue from Texas on electronic theses
UT Digital Repository ranked among the world’s top institutional repositories
The UT Digital Repository received some welcome recognition recently when it was ranked #50 in the Ranking Web of World Repositories’ list of the top 400 institutional repositories worldwide. We are excited to see that the repository, which is less than two years old, is already among the best.
The Ranking Web of World Repositories is an initiative of the Cybermetrics Lab, a research group that is part of the Consejo Superior de Investigaciones Científicas (CSIC), the largest public research body in Spain. The group creates the rankings, Continue reading UT Digital Repository ranked among the world’s top institutional repositories
Time to catch up
The Fall/Winter edition of the Libraries Newsletter is now online.
The issue features articles on the Texas Digital Library, some news on the Fine Arts Library‘s Sam Shepard collection, the Human Rights Documentation Initiative in Burma and on the web, the flowering of the Life Science Library‘s Science Study Break, and much more.
And please take some time to peruse back issues while you’re at it.