Meet Haleigh Wyrostek (Hay-Lee Why-Ross-Tech), PCL User Services Coordinator, and mostly landlocked marine biologist…

What’s your title, and what do you do for the Libraries?
User Services Coordinator (Sr. Library Specialist) at the PCL. I supervise the student assistants of the check-out desk and other various circulation and reference-based tasks.
What motivates you to wake up and go to work?
The student employees at the desk! Without doubt.
What are you most proud of in your job?
The relationships I’ve made with my colleagues and the students who work at the desk.
What has been your best experience at the Libraries?
At the risk of sounding like a broken record, the sense of community I’ve gained through working here is the best part of the experience. With my coworkers, assuredly, but also with the students and faculty members I interact with at the desk. Everyone has opened their hearts to welcome me and that is not easy to do. I am very grateful, thank you everyone.

What’s something most people don’t know about you?
I ride motorcycles and scuba dive.
Favorite body of water? Why? (Sorry…this is a bit of cheat question.)
Atlantic Ocean! I’ve visited the ocean (mostly in Florida) my whole life and quickly became enamored. I actually got my BS in marine biology because of my love for the ocean.

Dogs or cats?
Favorite book, movie or album?
Sooo hard.
Author – Anne Rice
Movie – Pride and Prejudice (2005)
Album – Parachutes by Coldplay
Cook at home, or go out for dinner? What and/or where?
Cook at home, mac and cheese!
What’s the future hold?
Due to the big changes I’ve experienced in my personal life lately, I take it day by day. I’ve been thinking about grad school. In terms of work, I look forward to learning more about the inner workings of the organization and its role in the university community overall. I dream of strengthening the relationships between circulation staff and librarians.