It seems to have been long in coming, this foray into the world of weblogs. We’ve been so busy bringing the Libraries into an era in which currents are dictated by technological advance, that there never seemed to be time to discuss the factors behind the decisions that are being made. So we now have a space in which that dialogue can occur.
We’ll use this blog to talk about items of relevance to the Libraries and to libraries, and to all those who care about them. As e-books gain traction, or when our peers innovate, or as technological advance shows new ways to either supplant or strengthen the modern library, we’ll take time to consider the implications for our institution. And that’s when we’ll look to you – our friends – to tell us if you think we’re on the right track or not.
Because that’s really what the Web has provided us all – a space where we can interact and exchange ideas, a forum that democratizes the conversation and allows the individual the opportunity to influence the trajectory of the greater whole. Now, more than ever, we can use the expanding connections we have with our audience to learn more about each other, and by extension, ourselves.
Though you’ll hear from a chorus of other voices as we invite our administration and staff in for comment on items of interest or as a means of providing a window into the operations of a modern academic research library, you’ll come to recognize a core group of contributors as you follow along. In addition to myself, Assistant Director for Development Gregory Perrin, Constituent Relations Manager Linda Abbey Communications Officer Travis Willmann, and my chief of staff, Doug Barnett, will offer insights about movements in their particular areas of expertise and how those developments affect the Libraries moving forward. You can also find out a little more about each of us on the “Blog Contributors” page.
We’ll do our best to keep the content at Tex Libris fresh and varied, and we always welcome questions, comments or topic suggestions, so feel free to send us an email if you have an interest that we’ve yet to cover or post your comment in the relevant entry.
Most of all, we hope you’ll join us in this ongoing conversation.