Imagine this — your student just returned to campus from Thanksgiving Break and realized that finals are just around the corner. What do they do? Panic? Eat more mashed potatoes or pie and try to forget about it? I’ll never argue with more pie, but when your student calls to talk about this stressful time, tell them that instead of panicking or eating their feelings, they can take advantage of services offered within the libraries.

PCL houses several partner organizations who offer great services to students:
- The Writing Center (in PCL) offers help at any point in the writing process. Tell your student that good writers seek feedback! Appointments here
- The Sanger Center’s Public Speaking Center is now open in PCL – their consultants can offer suggestions on any presentation or speech assignment. Appointments here
- Tutoring for intro-level Calculus, Biology, and Chemistry courses is now available in PCL’s UFCU room. See the schedule
The UT Libraries house many new services for students, but librarians have always been available to help with research. Students can ask us questions about finding sources of information, about choosing or narrowing a topic, about when and how to cite sources, and about which sources of information are credible. We are available to help in several ways. Your student can:
- Visit the main desk of any of the UT Libraries
- Chat with us online (available ‘til midnight Sunday-Thursday)
- Make an appointment with a librarian.
If your student has an assignment that involves technology, we can help with that too! They can:
- Visit one of the library Media Labs at PCL or Fine Arts Library to use specialized software
- Check out equipment like video cameras and microphones at PCL or Fine Arts Library
We know that finals are stressful, so we want to help with your student’s work AND help them de-stress. With dogs! We have therapy dog study breaks a few times at the end of the semester: